[NEW] Introducing the first nonprofit Meta integration of its kind

Campaign templates built to scale

Expand your fundraising efforts across multi-city events, large-scale fundraising campaigns, and corporate partnerships.

Create a consistent look across campaigns

Build a foundation for your fundraising efforts that can be scaled across multiple campaigns. Set branding and content at the template level and publish mass changes across multiple campaigns with just a few clicks.

Corporate partnerships

Create a peer-to-peer template for your corporate partners. Give them permission to edit their child campaign and empower their employees to fundraise for your cause.

Event series

Hosting a fundraising event spanning multiple cities? Set your foundation with a campaign template, and allow each city to manage their own registration page.

Chapter onboarding

Craft a template for your main donation form, annual campaigns, or events that can be used to onboard new chapters to Classy.

Control and flexibility

  • Never start from scratch again
  • Build out your branding and content in one place
  • Create ten or hundreds of child campaigns with the same look and feel
  • Easily make mass changes to all campaigns at the template level
  • Create a consistent brand look and feel for any of your nonprofit’s fundraising campaigns
  • Control what’s locked across all associated child fundraising campaigns
  • Lock any element of the campaign you’d like, including your logo, campaign imagery, colors, content, and more
  • Add a custom question, a new promo code, or change a line of text across all campaigns at scale
  • Make changes, save templates, and publish updates to all child campaigns with just a few clicks
  • Easily share a Campaign Template across multiple chapters, foundations, and independent accounts
  • Keep a consistent look and feel across shared events, fundraising campaigns, and direct giving initiatives
“What used to take nearly 300 people to accomplish, we can now do with just 16 sets of hands thanks to campaign templating.”
– Bree Turner, Senior Development Manager


What should a fundraising campaign look like?

A fundraising campaign should include strong, consistent branding, multiple payment methods, a recurring gift option, gift matching capabilities, and powerful storytelling elements that clearly communicate the reason for your appeal.

Can I create consistent, branded fundraising pages for my events?

Yes, with campaign templates you can create consistent, branded pages for fundraising events across multiple locations. This allows each event to have its own registration page and speak to the unique details of the event without sacrificing brand consistency.

Is there a limit to how many campaign templates I can create?

There is no limit to the amount of campaign templates you can make.

Although available in any instance, it’s best to use a template when launching multiple campaigns with a similar look or purpose. That way you can lay the foundation and create child campaigns off of that template.

Is it possible to lock the campaign template so those elements can not be edited at the child campaign level?

Yes, you can lock your logo, imagery, and other content elements to avoid inconsistencies across your child campaigns.

How do permissions work for campaign templates?

Once you build your campaign template, you can create child campaigns that inherit all of the elements of that template.

You can give specific campaign permissions to corporate partners, volunteers, or fundraising champions to access a particular child campaign. These permissions only allow them to see and edit that specific campaign.

What security and scalability measures does Classy have in place?

Classy builds security into the foundation of all our products and services.

Our comprehensive approach includes governance, continuous scanning and monitoring, and robust infrastructure. Our dedicated team receives regular training to stay updated with the latest security practices and threats.

We’re a PCI DDS Level 1 service provider that utilizes industry best practices like the OWASP Top 10. We use Cloudflare for protection and partner with Stripe, PayPal, and Coinbase for secure payments.

Learn more about our security and scalability here.

See campaign templates in action on Classy

Envision just how your nonprofit organization can raise more with fundraising campaign templates.